Bitsquatting - This shit still exists?

Unfortunately, yes. Companies are well aware that there is a potential for persistent, pervasive domain abuse through bitsquatting, and even though it only costs a couple-hundred dollars a year to fix, they still don't.

What is Bitsquatting?

Bitsquatting refers to the practice of registering domain names that are one binary bit different from established, high-traffic domains. This can exploit minor errors in hardware, software, or user input, redirecting users to unintended, often malicious sites. It's a cybersecurity threat that leverages the binary nature of digital data processing to create confusion and potentially serious harm (source).

How Does It Work?

Try it out! Enter a domain name to see how a bitsquattable variant might look:

Clear results

What is the Potential Impact?

Bitsquatting can lead to serious security breaches, data leaks, and phishing attacks, affecting both users and companies. By redirecting to a malicious site, attackers can steal sensitive information, distribute malware, or even disrupt services.

What is This Project?

This project aims to proactively address the threat of bitsquatting by identifying and registering bitsquattable domains associated with major internet services before they can be exploited by attackers. Our goal is to raise awareness and foster better protection against this overlooked threat.

Why Did You Buy a Domain Related to Mine?

To prevent potential abuse. By securing domains that could be exploited through bitsquatting, we aim to safeguard the internet ecosystem against malicious use and encourage domain owners to take similar protective measures.

Are You Trying to Hack My Users?

Absolutely not. Our efforts are entirely defensive and aimed at preventing malicious actors from exploiting bitsquatting vulnerabilities. No sensitive or identifiable information is collected from the traffic to these domains.

Can I Have the Domain You Registered That Looks Like Mine?

Yes, if you are the legitimate owner of the original domain, we are open to transferring the bitsquattable domain to you at no cost. Please contact us to discuss the transfer process.

The domains we've registered so far, and the traffic they're receiving:

Coming soon...